AT&T’s Controversial New U-verse App Geared for Babies and Toddler

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies and toddlers under the age of two avoid all screen time in order to allow their brain to develop properly. Study after study have arrived at the same conclusion – it’s more important to have human interaction than zone out on educational television.

att u-verse


This Tech Can Cure Depression

This Tech Can Cure Depression

Approximately one in four people will suffer from depression this year. In the U.S. alone, around 20 million adults suffer from depression. Those numbers are even more staggering when you add in the people impacted by depression in other countries around the globe. Is there anything we can do?
brainsway helmet

This Fitness Band Is For Kids

This Fitness Band Is For Kids

lapband for kids

The growing childhood obesity problem in North America is no secret. Yet, kids would rather spend time playing video games and watching TV than playing outdoors. So, what better way to get kids off the couch than to combine a video game (in the form of a watch) with outside activity than to create the world’s first fitness tracker for kids?

Samsung’s Gear Fit Reviewed

Samsung’s Gear Fit Reviewed

gear fit pic

Samsung’s fitness band, the Gear Fit, just got updated. Included in this update are various features that Samsung created based on customer demand. If you are into fitness bands, you may want to check out what Samsung has done. Here’s a better look. 

Skulpt Measures Your Muscles

Skulpt Measures Your Muscles

skulpt fitness device

Here’s a common dilemma: you workout, you eat well, and you are really working towards that amazing summer body. But, there’s a problem. Your scale isn’t noticing all of your effort. Instead of going down, those numbers might be going up or staying the same, and that’s purely frustrating. So, what can you do?

Try Skulpt.

Could a Derma Patch be the New Way to Take Meds?

Could a Derma Patch be the New Way to Take Meds?

A group of South Korean scientists have created a dermal arm patch that releases correct quantities of medication as needed. The patch is heat-sensitive, and also stops releasing medication when a person feels better or no longer needs it.

photo by William Ross via Flickr Creative Commons